Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reconstruction for Better Function

Randoons is excited to resurrect this blog as a whole new way to feature what's going on, not only in the store, but in our little world. 

In January we traveled with Maria of Infinite Warrior to Atlanta’s Gift Show. We found a ton of new finds and can't wait for you to see them. One of our favorites is an accessory line from England – House of Disaster. Although Christmas is still months away, we have vintage inspired glass ornaments from Kelly Rae Roberts to debut, along with several more holiday items. 

Our new reclaimed dressing room
While thinking about what our customers need, we realized that there are times our customers come in and the dressing room is full. Wouldn't it be nice to have another one? We've collaborated with Drogos Designs to make this possible. 

We just debuted our new handcrafted, reclaimed dressing room for customers to try on the newest spring fashions. Those warm days have been teasing us all winter long. It can't be long now!

Finally, we wanted to say a big thank you to the girls of the New Trier Fashion Club who came in last month and designed our front window. Randoons donated 15% of sales from any customer who mentioned the clubWe love finding ways to get involved with the community.

New Trier Fashion Club window display.